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Asbestos in Switzerland: duties of tenants and building owners
19 December 2023

Asbestos in Switzerland: duties of tenants and building owners

Buildings constructed before 1990 in Switzerland can hide an invisible yet dangerous enemy: asbestos. Previously praised for its mechanical and heat-resistant properties, this natural mineral is now known for its harmful effects on health, including the risk of developing serious diseases such as mesothelioma. Faced with the dangers of asbestos, Switzerland, like many other countries, has adopted regulations to control the presence of this fibrous mineral in residential and commercial environments.

Asbestos in your home: a silent danger?

In Switzerland, asbestos was prohibited in 1989, but it remains a potential risk in buildings constructed before that date. One of the dangers of asbestos lies in its ability to release airborne microfibers when manipulated. These fibers can be inhaled and settle in the lungs, causing inflammation and lesions which, in the long term, can lead to serious illness. That’s why it’s vital to pay particular attention to asbestos, especially if you live or work in an old building.

Building materials that often contain asbestos include fiber cement, floor coverings, tile adhesives and even plastering. So it’s essential to know the composition of the materials in your home, especially if you’re planning renovation or demolition work.

For more precise identification of at-risk materials, www.polludoc.ch is an excellent resource. It provides an exhaustive list of building materials that may contain asbestos, enabling you to take steps to minimize the risks, and helping you to recognize asbestos in your home.

Tenants, here’s how to protect yourself from asbestos

If you are a tenant in a building built before 1990, it may contain asbestos. You could be a victim of asbestos exposure, especially if you handle asbestos-containing materials, which could release asbestos particles into the air.

If you’re renovating your apartment, you’ll first need to get your landlord’s approval. We recommend that you ask your landlord to carry out an asbestos diagnosis before the work begins. Although this investigation is not compulsory, it is strongly recommended in order to detect the possible presence of this fibrous mineral in the building materials of the dwelling and to assess the health risks involved.

Once the asbestos diagnosis is performed, if presence is confirmed, responsibility for asbestos removal lies with the homeowner. Asbestos removal might be compulsory, in particular to ensure the protection of professionals involved in the renovation work.

The key to protecting yourself from asbestos as a tenant is open communication with the landlord and vigilance in following legal and safety procedures. By being proactive and well-informed, you can help create a safer living environment for yourself and others.

To find out more about what an asbestos diagnosis entails and how to act accordingly, read our detailed article on the subject: Asbestos diagnosis: understanding the risks and taking action.

Building owners, your responsibilities when it comes to asbestos

If you own a building built before 1990, it’s your responsibility to deal with asbestos-related risks. Although a complete asbestos diagnosis of the building is not mandatory, it is recommended that you carry out a full assessment of the building before construction work starts. This diagnosis, if carried out, must be performed by an experienced professional and must include an action plan for the management or elimination of any asbestos-containing materials identified. To do this, our platform offers you three options. The first allows you to send a photo of a suspect material and fill in a form with key information for an initial assessment by our experts. The second option allows you to take a sample of the material and send it to us for laboratory analysis. Our platform can also put you in touch with experienced diagnosticians who may come on site to evaluate the situation and take samples of the material if needed.

Once the asbestos diagnosis is performed, you should take steps to manage or eliminate any asbestos-containing material identified. This may include work to be carried out by specialized, certified asbestos removal companies. It’s important to communicate transparently with your tenants about the risks identified and the measures taken to mitigate them, including a detailed action plan and information about future works that could impact them.

As a landlord, you play a key role in ensuring your tenants’ safety and compliance with asbestos guidelines in Switzerland. By thinking ahead and following best practice, you can help create a safer living environment for all occupants of your building. To find out more about asbestos risk management and discover effective strategies, we invite you to consult our detailed article on the subject.

Asbestos diagnosis may become compulsory if you are planning renovation or demolition work. The steps to be taken vary according to the canton in which the building is located.

In the canton of Vaud, for example, legislation is fairly strict. Since March 1, 2011, an asbestos diagnosis is mandatory for owners planning to carry out work requiring a building permit on buildings erected before 1991. Before starting any work, a full diagnosis of the building must be carried out. If asbestos is detected and the level of risk is high, a remediation program must be included in the application for renovation work.

Find out about the regulations specific to your canton before any work is carried out.

Sampling and asbestos testing

Asbestos testing is recommended for risk assessment. Some of the procedures should be carried out by experienced professionals to guarantee reliable results.

Once you’ve obtained the owner’s authorization for sampling, you’ll have a number of options to choose from. That’s where our services come in, to make things easier for you.

  • Sending a photo of suspect material: Simply fill in a form and provide us with a few details. One of our experts will then analyze the photo to determine whether the material is likely to contain asbestos or not.
  • Do it yourself asbestos analysis: This rapid asbestos test enables you to take a sample of a suspect material yourself. You can then send it to our certified laboratories for a reliable asbestos analysis.
  • On-site diagnostic services: Specialized asbestos diagnostic companies can come directly to your home to assess the situation regarding asbestos and to take samples where needed.

After sampling, samples are sent to an asbestos analysis laboratory. The results will tell you whether further measures, such as asbestos removal or containment, are necessary. It is essential to follow the diagnostician’s recommendations and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of all building occupants through asbestos treatment.

Act now for an asbestos-free future

Don’t wait for the danger to appear. Get involved, get informed and take the necessary steps to protect yourself from asbestos. Safety begins with knowledge and action.