Do’s and don’ts of renovation: Asbestos safety guide

Once popular in the building industry for its acoustic and thermal insulation qualities, as well as its strength and fire resistance, asbestos has now been identified as an element harmful to human health. When planning to renovate an old home, it is essential to follow specific guidelines to detect the presence of asbestos, in order to minimize any exposure to this carcinogenic material.
Why is this guide essential? Because asbestos can be everywhere: in walls, floors, ceilings and also in the exterior surface of the building. Uncontrolled release of asbestos into the air during renovation or demolition can lead to serious health risks, particularly through inhalation of asbestos fibers. And this applies not only to those directly involved in the work, but also to their relatives and future occupants of the building.
This guide will provide you with practical advice and steps to follow to manage the risks associated with asbestos in Switzerland. You’ll find information on how to identify at-risk materials, when to carry out a rapid asbestos test, and when to call in professionals. You’ll also find best practices for the safe disposal of asbestos-containing construction waste.
What does asbestos look like?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of fine, tough fibers, often associated with a fibrous or flaky texture. It can come in a variety of colors, from white to gray, blue and brown. Asbestos fibers are extremely small and generally not visible to the naked eye, making it difficult to detect them without specialized equipment.
Due to the discreet nature of this mineral and its ability to mix easily with other materials, it is advisable to carry out professional asbestos tests to confirm its presence.
Renovation planning: how to identify asbestos?
Before starting any renovation project, it’s important to consider the possible presence of asbestos in the building. To do this, you need to plan the project carefully and follow the steps below:
1. Draw up a list of areas to be renovated
The first step is to establish a comprehensive list of the areas and materials that will be affected by the renovation project. This will identify the materials present and, consequently, the areas likely to contain asbestos.
2. Review architectural plans and construction records
Architectural plans and construction records can provide information on the materials used in the building’s construction. This can help identify materials that may contain harmful substances.
3. Use visual signes
Certain visual signs can indicate the presence of asbestos. For example, asbestos may be in the form of flakes or fiber bundles. It may also have satin lustre.
Asbestos in large-scale renovation projects
For large-scale renovation projects requiring a building permit, it is important to comply with current asbestos legislation. In Switzerland, legislation requires an assessment of the presence of asbestos and other potentially harmful materials for certain modernization projects.
Procedures to be followed
To obtain authorization, it may be necessary to call in a professional to carry out an asbestos diagnosis. The analysis of suspicious materials must be carried out by an approved asbestos analysis laboratory.
If asbestos is present, you may need to call in a company specialized in asbestos removal. Suva-recognized asbestos removal companies are trained and certified to manage asbestos-related risks safely.
Small works, big precautions
If your project involves only a small areas or a single room, you can test for asbestos yourself by taking a sample. However, if you’re unsure, or if your project extends over several rooms, it’s advisable to consult an expert for a reliable asbestos diagnosis. That’s why we offer a range of services to help you identify and manage asbestos-related risks:
- An expert analyzes your photo: You can send a photo of a suspect material and fill in a form with some key information. One of our experts will examine the photo and inform you whether or not the material is likely to contain asbestos.
- Do It Yourself asbestos analysis: You can collect a sample of the suspect material and send it to our laboratories for professional asbestos analysis.
- Contact with an asbestos diagnostician: For those looking for a complete assessment, we can put you in touch with an asbestos professional, called a diagnostician, who will come on site to assess the situation and take material samples to be tested for asbestos if required.
Our services are designed to give you the peace of mind and expertise you need to manage asbestos risks effectively.
Asbestos waste management and disposal
If you need to remove and dispose of asbestos waste, you should eventually use a specialist company that has the necessary equipment and skills to remove problematic materials and dispose the waste safely and effectively, and ensure that the asbestos doesn’t end up in other products.
Here are a few tips to help you dispose of asbestos waste:
- Find out what regulations apply in your area. Regulations may vary from region to region.
- Get a quote from a specialist company. Compare asbestos removal quotes from several companies before making your choice.
By following these tips, you can help protect your health and the environment.
Here’s some further information on how to dispose of asbestos waste:
- Asbestos waste must be conditioned appropriately to prevent the release of fibers into the air.
- Asbestos waste must be transported in specific ways.
- Asbestos waste must be disposed of in specialized facilities.
In a nutshell
Renovating a building can be an exciting project, but it also involves risks, particularly when it comes to managing the presence of this mineral fiber. Every step of the way requires special attention to asbestos, to minimize health risks.
By following these guidelines and being aware of the risks, you can ensure a safer renovation. Safety must always be the number one priority in any renovation project.